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Program Planning Sub Activities

Code Sub Activity Total Cost Indicator Indicator Target Responsibility
1.01 Development of manuals To develop manuals
1.02 Printing of the caregroup manuals 410958.9 to print copies
1.03 Distribute Manuals to distribute copies
1.04 Conduct TOT (National) to train national participants in integrated care group package
1.05 Conduct TOT (District) to train participants from all 13 districts in integrated care group package
1.06 Train FLW to train front line workers from all 13 districts in integrated care group package
1.07 Form and revive CGs-community sensitisation to sensitize community leaders in all 13 districts on care group
1.08 Form and revive CGs-household listing & CG formation to form and revive care groups in all 13 districts
1.09 Train Promoters to train promoters in integrated package groups in all 13 districts
1.10 Train Cluster Leaders to orient participants on integrated care group packages in all 13 districts
1.11 Orient ACLAN, CLAN on CG structure Number of participants oriented on integrated care group package in all 13 districts
1.12 Orient district managers, DEC members on IEYP and CG structure to orient participants on integrated care groups in all 13 districts
1.13 Conduct orientation of master trainers on integrated nutrition and early stimulation package
1.14 Conduct backstopping of trainings for DNCC
1.15 Train SHN teachers and SHN coordinators on IFA supplementation
1.16 Conduct backstopping of trainings of FLWs
1.17 Train skilled birth attendants on IFA, early initiation of breast feeding, EBFand nutrition for improved perinatal outcomes
1.18 Train Community Mid-Wife Assistants on IFA and on promotion of early access to ANC services by pregnant women
1.19 Conduct backstopping of trainings for DNCC
1.20 Train skilled health workers on IFA, MNPs and nutrition for first 1000 days of life
1.21 Conduct biannual national coordination meetings
1.22 Develop radio gingles and programs on integrated nutrition and early stimulation
1.23 Finalize review of IEC materials (Posters,key messages for nutrition and early stimulation and nurturing)
1.24 Provide technical support to the districts for various trainings (IFA, IHF, VAS, MNP, BFHI, Integrated nutrition package, M&E, NNIS, Livestock pass on, Financial Management, etc)
1.25 Train facility based health care workers on maternal nutrition and child health including BFHI
1.26 Conduct monthly routine monitoring of nutriton activities (IFA, IHF, Routine EPI/VAS, MNP, BFHI, Integrated nutrition package, Livestock pass on)
1.27 Conduct quarterly technical support to strengthen Component 1 M+E systems in the districts
1.28 Develop and air radio gingles and programs on integrated nutrition and early stimulation
3.01 Procure chlorine, Dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) (waterguard) to procure drums of 40kgs of NADCC
5.1 Advertising for procurement of bicycles and back packs to advertise for bicycles and back packs
5.2 Formulate and evaluate bids to formulate and evaluate bids
5.3 Procure bicycles to procure bicycles
5.4 Purchase back packs for carrying resource packs to purchase back packs
5.5 Distribute bicycles and back packs
5.6 Conduct backstopping of trainings for DNCC
6.1 Procure Micro-Nutrient Powder (MNP) to procure boxes of MNP for all the 13 districts
7.1 Procure GMP equipment (Salter scale) to procure salter scales for all 13 districts
7.2 Procure GMP equipment (MUAC tape) to procure packs of MUAC tape for all the 13 districts
7.3 Procure GMP equipment (Height Board) to procure pairs of high board for all the 13 districts
7.4 Community Growth Monitoring kit for Care Groups
8.1 Advertising for printing to make advertisements in 2 news papers
8.10 Print growth and development counselling cards to print growth and development counselling cards
8.11 Print six food groups charts to print charts
8.12 Print key message booklets to print message booklets
8.13 Print seasonal food availability calenders to print seasonal food availability calenders
8.14 Print CBMNH manual (MNC manual) to print CBMNH manuals
8.15 Print CBMNH counselling cards (MNC counselling cards) to print counselling cards
8.16 Print cooking recipe books to print cooking recipe books
8.17 Print WASH counselling cards to print WASH counselling cards
8.18 Print supervision check list
8.19 Print care group registers to print care group registers
8.2 Evaluate bids to evaluate bids
8.20 Print Integrated Nutrition and Early Stimulation Training Manual to print Integrated Nutrition and Early Stimulation Training Manual
8.21 Print IFA manual to print IFA manuals
8.22 Print MNP manual to print MNP manuals
8.23 Print IHF manual to print IHF manuals
8.24 Distribute manuals and counseiling card for Care groups
8.3 Review counselling cards for CG (Nutrition, MNCH, WASH, early stimulation and good parenting, MNP counselling cards, cooking recipe books to conduct counselling cards review meeting
8.4 Printing of Counseiling card for Care groups (Nutrition, MNCH, WASH, Early stimulation and good parenting, MNP counselling cards; Cooking recipe books; …) to print counselling cards
8.5 Distribute counseiling card for Care groups (Nutrition, MNCH, WASH, Early stimulation and good parenting, MNP counselling cards; Cooking recipe books to CG to distribute counselling cards and recipe books
8.6 Print monitoring tools to print monitoring tools
8.7 Print breast feeding counselling cards to print breast feeding counselling cards
8.8 Print complementary feeding counselling cards to print complementary feeding counselling cards
8.9 Print martenal health and nutrition counselling cards to print martenal health and nutrition counselling cards
9.1 Intregated Homestead farming and Communal garden(to be implemented through Care Group and clusters ) (In CBCC and Communities through Caregroups) 2910000 to implement home stead farming and communal garden
10.01 Implementation of Village Saving loans for Care Groups and CBCC (National level facilitated activities) 450000 to establish village savings and loan groups
10.02 Implementation of Village Saving loans for Care Groups and CBCC (District level facilitated activities) 450000 To establish village savings and loans groups at National level
11.01 Develop criteria for the selection of caregivers in the 25 Model and 25% of the remaining CBCCs per district to put selection criterion in place
11.02 Sensitize communities on the selection of caregivers to sensitize communities on selection of care givers
11.03 Conduct a meeting to develop a training plan and programme for the training institutions to conduct meeting on training plan
11.04 Validation of the selected caregivers by CBCC and by phone number to validate selected care givers against their CBCC's
11.05 Monitoring and supervision of the training to conduct monitoring and supervisory visits
11.06 Delivery of training and follow up visits (6 Training Colleges) to train care givers at magomelo NAC fenandus
11.07 Certification of caregivers and graduation ceremony care givers graduation ceremony
11.08 Prepare final report on the training To prepare final report on training
11.09 Support the Districts to carry out Project coordination Activities by DNCs: 585000
12.01 Remuneration of Finance officer for DNCs to remunerate finance officers
13.01 Revise/ develop and print Parenting education and support manual to include new innovations to revise/develop and print parent education and support manual
13.02 Develop IECD modules (6 ) and Children Corner manual and guidelines for training to develop ECD modules
13.03 Advertising the Procurement for printing services to print ECD materials to procure printing services to print ECD materials
13.04 Evaluate bids and award to contracts to successful bidders to evaluate bids and award successful contractors
13.05 Printing of six ECD modules (5,000 copies each module) to print the 6 modules
13.06 Distribute printed ECD materials to distribute ECD materials
13.07 Remuneration of Community Facilitators (2) for TAs to remunerate community facilitators
14.01 Procure the services of contractors (advertisement, evaluation and award of contracts) To award contracts
14.02 Site handovers of 100 CBCCs to successful contractors To hand over sites to contractors by Ministry
14.3 Conduct workshops with contractors on adherance to contractual obligation i.e. Code of conduct, safeguards etc. To sensitized contractors on contractual obligations
14.4 Construction Works for CBCC Blocks To Upgrade CBCCs
14.5 Construction Works for Boreholes To construct boreholes
14.6 Print Care Group registers for cluster leaders Print registers
14.7 Print Care Group Monthly Reporting Forms for promoters, cluster leaders, FLW, and district staff Print monthly reporting forms
14.8 Print Care Group supervision checklist for promoters, FLWs and district staff Print checklist forms
14.9 Print referal forms for cluster leaders Print referral forms
15.1 Procure Standard Set of ECD materials To procure CBCCs kits
15.2 Advertise for the bids to supply ECD Play kits and Materials To make advertisements in two newspapers(Daily Times and Nation )
15.3 Evaluate bids and Award successful Supplier To award contracts to successful bidders
15.4 Distribution of ECD materials To distribute CBCC kits to 100 upgraded CBCCs
16.1 Establish and ensure functionality of CBCCs communal gardens to establish functional CBCC communal gardens
16.10 Training of Mentors to train mentors
16.11 Certification of caregivers and graduation ceremony
16.12 Report Writing on the caregivers training to write a report
16.2 Facilitate establishment of Village Savings and Loans schemes in the Model CBCCs care givers to participate in VSL
16.3 Develop criteria for the selection of caregivers in the 25 Model ECD Centres to put selection criteria in place
16.4 Orient District Implementation Team on the use of Criteria on Selection of Caregivers to Sensitize communities on the selection criteria of care givers
16.5 Conduct a meeting to develop a training plan and programme for ECD to conduct a training plan and programme meeting
16.6 Validation of the selected caregivers by CBCC and by phone
16.7 Monitoring and supervision of the training
16.8 Delivery of training and follow up visits (6 Training College to train care givers at Magomero, NACC, Fernandus, AECDM etc
16.9 Training of Extension Workers to train extension workers
16.9 Training of Center management commitee
18.1 Develop ToRs for the engagement of IRI Consultant To develop ToRs for the IRI consultant involving the engagement of 10 community radio stations and 3 national radio stations
18.10 Place Advert in the Paper to print make Adverts in two news papers
18.2 Advertise for IRI Consultancy To make advertisements in two newspapers(Daily Times and Nation )
18.3 Evaluate bids and award contract to successful bidder To award Contract to successful bidder
18.4 Consultant Fee for the IRI IRI consultant fee for 12 months
18.5 Airing of programs on IRI To air IRI programs on 3 national and 10 community radio stations
18.6 Revise/ develop and print Parenting education and support materials and IRI parenting manual Revise parenting manual
18.7 Develop and printing of IECD modules (6 ) and CC manual for training Develop ECD modules
18.8 Print ECD materials Print standard ECD instructional materials for 10 districts
18.9 Printing of CBCCs Supervision checklist and other M&E tools Print CBCC and M&E Tools
19.1 Procure the services of contractors (advertsiment, evaluation and award of contracts) to advertise in two news papers
19.2 Site Handovers to successful contractors for the 150 lots to handover sites to contractors
19.3 Conduct workshop with contractors on adherance to contractual obligation i.e. Code of conduct, safeguards etc.
19.4 Construction Works for CBCC Blocks to upgrade CBCC's
19.5 Construction Works for Boreholes
19.6 Construction Site Supervision and Monitoring to conduct supervision
19.7 Planting of 200 tree seedlings per site to plant trees
19.8 Conduct Site safety labelling  to label sites
19.9 Procurement of Protective Wear to procure protective wear for CFs, CoWs, PFT and MoGCDSW
20.01 Procurement of iron folic acid tablets for adolescent girls in school and out of school
20.02 Two advertisements made in two newspapers to make advertisements
20.03 1000 CBCC kits procured to procure CBBC kits
20.04 Distribute 1000 CBCC Kits to distribute CBCC kits
20.05 Procure Standard Set of ECD materials to procure standard set of ECD materials
20.06 Evaluation of bids to distribute CBCC tools
21.01 Procurement of Deworming tablets for adolescent girls and boys 10-19 (out and in of school) at community level
27.1 Remuneration of Community Facilitators (2) for TAs Number of facilitators paid
27.2 Remuneration of 10 Clerk of Works
27.3 Fees for 10 Cows for 12 months
27.4 Training for the 10 cows and 10 DDPWs
27.5 Conduct district sensitization
27.6 Monthly project supervision by DCs 1170000 Number of district council supported
28.1 Print Care Group registers for cluster leaders
28;2 Print Care Group Monthly Reporting Forms for promoters, cluster leaders, FLW, and district staff
28.3 Print Care Group supervision checklist for promoters, FLWs and district staff
28.4 Print referral forms for cluster leaders
28.4 Print referral forms for cluster leaders
30.01 Conduct joint quarterly project monitoring and supervision 18384
31.01 Conduct working sessions on development of training package for adolescent nutritiona and sexual reproductive health
31.02 Conduct stakeholder consultations on development of training package for adolescent nutrition and sexual reproductive health
31.03 Disseminate training materials
32.01 Conduct working sessions on development/review of Nutrition, WASH and Health Counsilling and learning materials number of stakeholder meetings conducted
32.02 Conduct stakeholder consultations on development/review of Nutrition, WASH and Health Counsilling and learning materials number of stakeholder consultation meetings conducted
32.03 Pretest materials Number of field visits for pre-testing of materials
32.04 Disseminate training materials number of dissemination conferences conducted
33.01 Conduct TOT for district core team on integrated care group package and ECD including sexual reproductive health and nutrition for adolescents
34.01 Conduct TOT at national level on Integrated Care Group Package and ECD number of trainers trained
35.1 Conduct monthly project supervision by DNHA team number of monthly project supervision conducted
35.2 Conduct IEYP Missions and field visits
35.3 conduct quarterly project supervision b DNHA team number of quarterly supervisions conducted
36.1 Hold Quarterly Intersectoral Coordination Meetings on IEYP
36.2 Conduct Project Steering Committee (PSC) meetings
37.1 Conduct annual nutrititon conference number of annual nutrition conferences conducted
37.2 Participate in international nutrition conferences number of international nutrition conferences participated
38.1 Pay for insurance, maintainance and fuel for vehicles number of vehicles in operation
38.2 Pay for internet service number of times internet subscription is paid
38.3 Pay for phone service number of times airtime is purchased
38.4 Purchase antivirus number of antivirus purchased
38.5 Purchase of Laptops number of laptops procured
38.6 purchase of phones number of phones purchased
40.01 40.1 number of national core trainers trained
42.01 Conduct Monthly project supervision by Gender 19323 Number of monitoring and supervisory visits conducted
43.01 Conduct Quarterly coordination meeting 38313.16 number of quarterly coordination meetings conducted
44.01 Conduct annual ECD conference 13222 Number of annual conferences held
44.02 Participate in international ECD Conferences and Learning 14530 number of International ECD conference attended
45.1 Advertise for the bids to supply vehicles, motorbikes, laptops, internet services, furniture and stationery and sandries 1600 Number advertisements made in the Nation and Daily Times
45.2 Bid evaluation and award contract to successful bidders 3847 Number of evaluation meetings conducted
45.3 Procure ICT Equipment for PIE 12972.6 Number ICT Office equipments procured
45.4 Procure office furniture 9769 Number of office furniture procured
45.5 Maintain internet and ICT equipment 25620 Number of internet subscriptions paid
45.6 Procure office stationery and supplies 40875 Number of office stationery procured
45.7 Pay for motor vehicle maintenace and insurance 20668 Number of motor vehicle maintained and insured
45.8 Pay for utility bills 5647.06 Number of utility bills paid
45.9 Pay for phone service 5547
46.1 Review national decentralisation policy to incooporate Nutrition and ECD in the DIPs budget so that districts disemburse at least 80% of funds allocated for ECD and nutrition. 91846.6 Number of decentralisation policies reviewed
46.10 Conduct regional retreats with selected service providers and partners to assess integration of nutrition and ECD with corresponding funding windows 47353 Number of regional retreats selected
46.11 Conduct assessement to determine if 40% of funds budgeted for ECD and nutrition activities in DIP in previous FY released for each district 82940 Number of assessments done
46.12 In collaboration with PIEs conduct sustainability assessment of the project intervention and develop sound exit strategies 39617 Number of assessment reports submitted
46.13 Conduct national level consultations to lobby for improved financing of nutrition and ECD including disseminating DLI 5.2 59500 Number of sessions conducted
46.2 Review district development planning systems handbook to incoporate nutrition, ECD and other emerging issues 102055
46.3 Integrate nutrition & ECD in Annual district investments plans and budgets 53560 Number of DIPs and Budget in place
46.4 Conduct quartely Monitoring and Review Meetings by Local Government Component 19483 Number of quarterly meetings conducted
46.5 Provide technical support to review of district development plans in remaining councils to incorporate ECD and nutrition 14054 Number of monitoring and review meetings conducted
46.6 Disseminate the reviewed District Development Planning Systems Handbook to guide incorporation of nutrition, ECD and other emerging issues in 28 district development plans 54150 To review planning system hand books
46.7 Disseminate the reviewed National Decentralization Policy to guide incorporation of Nutrition and ECD in the local development plans & budget so that districts disburse at least 80% of funds allocated for ECD and nutrition in 28 districts. 60688 Number of disseminations conducted
46.8 Conduct regional review meetings using learning forum approach to assess inclusion of nutrition and ECD in their local development plans (DIPs) 54919 Number of regional review meetings conducted
46.9 Conduct district council specific review meetings using mentorship approach to address specific issues during inclusion of nutrition and ECD in their local development plans (DIPs) 10384 Number of district council review meetings conducted
47.1 Procure services of tertiary colleges to offer Degrees and Diploma in ECD and Nutrition 6169 Number of advertisement
47.2 Train officers for ECD at BA level 9000 Number of officers trained
47.3 Train officers for ECD at DIP level 6000 Number DIP officers trained
47.4 Train officers for Nutrition at BA level 30000 Number of officers trained
47.5 Train officers for Nutrition at DIP level 30000 Number officers trained
47.6 Train officers in short courses for nutrition 54000 Number of officers trained in short courses for nutrition
47.7 Train officers for ECD at master level 45000 Number of officers trained
47.8 Train officers for nutrition at master level 17500 Number of officers trained
48.1 Conduct a working session for drafting of M&E plan development 7365.77 Number of working sessions conducted
48.2 Conduct stakeholder consultations (M and E plan development) 24949.43 M&E Plan Developed
48.3 Advertising 160.4 Number of advertisements done
48.4 Evaluate bids 3308.4 Number of contracts awarded
48.5 Printing of CBCC materials 280800
49.1 Mobility for PIE (Gender) procurement of 6 cars) Number of vehicles procured.
50.01 Six 4x4 cars procured 783561.64 Number of vehicles procured
50.02 Mobility (10 Motorcycles) 291500 Number of motorcycle procured
50.03 ICT (Laptops) for DCs 62400 Number of laptops procured
50.04 ICT (ICT Equipment Desktop Computer) for DCs 14300 Number of desktops procured
50.05 ICT (ICT Equipment - Printers) for DCs 10684.93 Number of printers procured
50.6 Motor Cycles training Number of CF's trained on motorcycle driving
51.01 Conduct working session on review of M&E tools 10412.19 Number of working sessions conducted.
51.02 Conduct training on M&E system 18259.01 Number of officers trained in M and E
51.03 Review of NNIS and pretesting of NNIS on a cloud server platform 18338.08 Number of sessions conducted
52.01 Advertise for the bids to develop ECD M&E system 1600 number of contracts awarded
52.02 Bid evaluation and award contracts to successful bidders 3847 Number of contracts awarded
52.03 Development of M&E Plan 0 Development of M and E plan
52.04 Recruit a firm to set up a National ECD information system 17500 To have the system set up by firm
52.05 Development of Project monitoring tools for National ECD information system 7066.3
52.06 Pre-testing of the developed data collection tools 7729 Number of projrct tools pre-tested
52.07 Orient district officers on the use of the data collection tools 7751.1
52.08 Conduct quarterly back stopping on the rolling out M&E framework for data audits and management. 17383.56 Number of audits conducted
52.09 Procure ICT Equipment for M and E system 5616.44
52.10 Roll out ECD MIS 13188.24 Number of officers trained
52.11 Dissemination of ECD M&E products targetting DEC members 2752.94 M&E Plan in place
52.12 GFF- Conduct Data Quality assessments 16294.12 Number of data quality assessments conducted
52.13 Conduct quartelry monitoring on IEYP with PSIP unit 14594.12 Numsr of tools developed
52.14 Training of Officer Responsnible for website 13188.24 Number of officers oriented and trained
52.15 Website Management 470.59 Number of backstopping visits conducted
53.01 Advertise for the bids to set up National ECD and Nutrition sytem 1600 Number of advertisements made
53.02 Bid Evaluation and Award successful bidders 1923.5 Number of contracts awarded
53.03 Development of Project monitoring tools 8251.9 Number of Project of tools developed
53.04 Pretesting of the developed data collection tools 7729 Number of tools pretested
53.05 Orient district officers on the use of the data collection tools 23253.3 nuber of officers oriented and trained
53.06 Conduct quarterly back stopping on the rolling out M&E framework for data audits and management. 6410.96 Number of monitoring visits conducted
53.07 Review of all MIS documents 3000 Number of documents reviewed
53.08 LAN implementation and server 12000 LAN IN PLACE AND WORKING
53.09 IMFIM Systems Testing 2000 IMFIM System Tested
53.10 Consultancy fees 10000 Number of project tools developed
53.11 Conduct research dissemination Sessions and symposium 20701.49 Number of symposiums conducted
54.01 Conduct research dissemination symposium 58943 Number of symposiums conducted
54.2 Survey Fees 250000 Survey fees paid
54.3 Conduct Annual Survey on ECD and Nutrition 311559 Number of surveys conducted
55.1 Conduct community sensitization on the project 8251.9 Number of Community sensitization meetings conducted
55.2 Conduct meetings to produce IEC materials 16809.2 Number of meetings conducted to produce IEC materials
55.3 Production of 300 policy briefs on IEYP citizen engagement for sharing with members of parliament and the media 10813.9
55.4 Train 20 members of CSONA and ECD Coalition in each district on budget tracking 10813.9 Number of trained members
55.5 Conduct biannual tracking of resource use in the project in each district to be facilitated by network members particularly CBOs
55.6 Conduct 6 focus group discussions with key groups at Traditional Authority level in each of the impact areas targeting youth groups, care groups, caregivers, parents, ECD centre management committees, chiefs, community based organization representatives 21264 Number of FDGs conducted
55.7 Hold quarterly meetings with grievance committees at all levels to gather information on how citizen concerns were reported and dealt with 24647
55.8 Conduct quarterly meetings of 4 GRM Committees, totaling 16 meetings/year 24647
55.9 Train 15 community based facilitators on comprehensive community scorecard in each of the district 24641
56.1 Conduct quarterly DCs financial Review and support Supervision 13932 Number quarterly financial support visits conducted
57.1 Conduct Quarterly Joint project supervision by National managers 21231.43
58.1 Conduct Project Annual Review meeting 16933.5 Number of project reviews conducted
59.1 Advertise for the bids to procure vehicles, motorbikes, laptops, internet services, furniture and stationery and sandries 1600 Number of advertisements conducted
59.2 Bid Evaluation and Award successful lots 3847
59.3 Procurement of ICT Equipment for PFT 27000
59.4 Maintenance of vehicles 136986.3
59.5 Procurement of office furniture 9084.93
59.6 Procurement of office accounting software, Stationery and supplies 277215
60.01 Renumeration of PFT staff (for 1 FM; 2 Assistant FM; 1 Procurement; 1 Assistant Procurement ; 2 M&E Specialists; 1 Project Coordinator, Engineer, Quantity Surveyor, Safeguards Speciallist, Administrative Assistant 500000 salary
60.02 Hiring of Auditing Firms 16500 salary
61.02 DCs operating cost 40000
62.01 Advertise for IVA 1600 Number of advertisements made in two newspapers
62.02 Evaluate bids and award contract to successful bidder 3847 number of contracts awarded
62.03 Consultant Fee for the IVA 121401 IVA fees paid
62.04 Development of the IVA Roadmap 8949.4 number of meetings conducted
62.05 consultant services number of advertisements made
62.06 Development of TOR for independent evaluation agency number of contracts awarded
63.01 Conduct site screening for each CBCC 39976.78 number of ESMP developed for each CBCC
63.02 ESMP Implementation number of ESMPs Monitored
64.01 Conduct a meeting to prepare to assess Wasted Management Practices in school 5634 number of meetings conducted
64.2 Assessing Waste management practice in schools number of assessments conducted
64.3 Assessing Waste Management Practices in school 4367
64.3 training on HCWMP Implementation
64.4 monitoring implementation of waste management plans number of meetings conducted