• P164771
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Program Name

Investing in Early Years of Growth and Productivity in Malawi Project

Program Goals


Program Objective

The project development objective is to improve coverage and utilization of early childhood development services with focus on nutrition, stimulation and early learning from conception to 59 months in selected districts of Malawi

Program Beneficiaries

  1. Children ages 0-59 months

  2. Adolescent girls ages 11-19 years

  3. Pregnant and lactating women from 13 of the country’s 28 districts

Program Risks

  1. A lack of staff dedicated to procurement records management

  2. Procurement staff lacking experience in undertaking procurement of goods and large-value consultancy services contracts through Open Competitive Procurement procedures

  3. Inefficiencies in processing procurement activities in terms of preparation of ToRs, specifications, bidding documents, request for proposals, and bids/proposals evaluations, due to delays from user/technical departments

  4. Weak procurement filing and record management syste

  5. Weak contract management

  6. Political and governance risks

  7. Macroeconomic risks

  8. Technical design of the project

  9. Fiduciary