• P164771
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Program Activities

Code Activity Total Cost Indicator Indicator Target Responsibility
1 Training on Integrated Care group package.
2 Training on Integrated Care group package
3 Waterguard
4 Provision of resource pack
5 Provision of resource pack
6 Implementation of Integrated Care group model package (including early stimulation and good parenting)
7 Implementation of Integrated Care group model package (including early stimulation and good parenting)
8 Provision of resource pack
9 Implementation of Integrated Care group model package (Homestaed farming and communal gardens)
10 Implementation of Integrated Care group model package (village savings and loans)
11 ECD Training (DLI3)
12 Training on ECD (DLI4)
13 Print ECD materials
14 Upgrade CBCCs
15 Equip ECD centers with child care, early learning and stimulation resource pack
16 Implementation of ECD model
17 Implementation of Integrated Care group model package (including early stimulation and good parenting)
18 Interactive Radio Instruction /ECD and parenting radio programme
19 Training on ECD (procurement of bicycles)
20 Promote good hygiene, health and nutrition targeted to 12-15 years old girls and boys
20 Promote good hygiene, health and nutrition targeted to 12-15 years old girls and boys
21 Promote good hygiene, health and nutrition targeted to 12-15 years old girls and boys
22 Develop/review Policies, Guidelines and Strategies and other strategic documents for Nutrition
23 Project Supervision and monitoring by District Council
24 Strenghen DCs Capacity in Project management
25 Strenghen DCs Capacity in Project management (Operating Costs)
26 Project Supervision and monitoring by District Council (Renumeration of Finance Officers for DCs)
26 Project Supervision and monitoring by District Council (Renumeration of Finance Officers for DCs)
27 Project Supervision and monitoring by District Council
27 Project Supervision and monitoring by District Council
28 Project Supervision and monitoring by District Council
30 Project Supervision and monitoring by National level
31 Develop/review Policies, Guidelines and Strategies and other strategic documents for Nutrition
32 Develop/review Policies, Guidelines and Strategies and other strategic documents for Nutrition
33 Train district core team (DNCC) on the integrated Care group package and ECD
34 Train National and District officers on the integrated Care group package and ECD
35 Monthly project supervision by DNHA
36 Project Supervision and monitoring by National level
37 Project Supervision and monitoring by National level
38 Project management
39 Develop/review Policies, Guidelines and Strategies and other strategic documents for Nutrition
40 Train National Core trainers for ECD
41 Develop/review Policies, Guidelines and Strategies and other strategic documents for Nutrition ECD, Stimulation and Nutrition learning materials in place Gender
41 Training of Regional ECD Trainers Number of officers trained Gender
42 Project Supervision and monitoring by National level Number of monitoing and supevisions conducted
43 Quarterly ECD coordination meetings with stakerholders Numbe of coordination meetings conducted
44 Annual ECD conference/ meeting Numbe of conferences conducted Gender
45 Operational cost for PIE Number of costs made Gender/DNHA
46 Strengthen DCs Capacity in Project management Number of assessments conducted Local Government
47 Knowledge capacity Developemnt in ECD and Nutrition Number of trainings conducted Gender/DNHA
48 Monitoring and Evaluation Numbe of monitoing visits conducted Gender
49 Project management Number of procurements made Gender
50 Strengthen DCs Capacity in Project management Number of procurements made Gender
51 Strengthen DNHA M&E system ( Revamp & review NNIS) M& E System reviewed Gender
52 Strengthen Min of Gender M&E system ( TA to set up ECD module in IMS; Revision of tools; ICT equipment; Training) M&E SYSTEM REVIEWED Gender
53 Set up a National ECD and Nutrition information system ECD AND NUTRITION INFORMATION SYSTEM IN PLACE Gender
54 M &E (ECD SURVEYS) Number of surveys conducted Gender
55 CSO periodic report on ECD and Nutrition(Citizen Engagement) Number of reports submitted DNHA/Gender
56 Project Supervision and monitoring by National level Number of monitoring and supervision visits made IDA
57 Project Supervision and monitoring by National level Number of monitoring and supervision visits made IDA
58 Monitoring and Evaluation Number of meetings conducted IDA
59 Operating cost for PFT Vehicles and ICT IDA
60 Project management
61 Consultant services (i.e Engineer; etc ) Consultancy fees paid
62 Project Management
63 ESMP implementation Number of ESMP's developed and implemented
64 Develop a Health Care Waste Management Plan (HCWMP) HCWMP developed and implemented IDA
65 Clerk of Works Number of CoWs trained
66 Project Supervision and monitoring by National level Number of meetings conducted
67 Operational costs for the component (Local Government) Number of operational costs made