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Program Sub Activities Secondary Indicators

# Code Sub Activity PLN Description
1 Prepare and compile annual and quarterly work plans and Budgets

Sub activity Indicators

1. Youth
2 Train lead farmer on technology specific

Sub activity Indicators

1. No of Male Lead Farmers
2. Number of Female Lead Farmers
3 Train staff on management of trials (SMS)

Sub activity Indicators

1. Number of Male staff
2. Number of Female staff
4 Train staff on CA trials and guidelines

Sub activity Indicators

1. Number of Male staff
2. Number of Female staff
5 Orient farmers on management of on farm trials

Sub activity Indicators

1. No of male farmers identified
2. No of female farmers identified
6 Promote farmer to farmer extension network

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
7 Train lead farmers on specific technologies

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
8 Train lead farmers in gender mainstreaming

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
9 Mount demonstrations

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male hosting farmers
2. Female hosting farmers
3. Youth hosting farmers
10 Establish FFS

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
11 Establish FBS

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
12 Conduct field days

Sub activity Indicators

1. Number of farmers
2. Male
3. Female
4. Youth
13 Facilitate establishment of model villages

Sub activity Indicators

1. Total Households
2. Male
3. Female
4. Youth
14 Backstop/Facilitate establishment of integrated homestead farming

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
4. Female
5. Male
15 Train staff on gender mainstreaming

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
16 Implement Household Approach among selected Lead Households

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male Headed
2. Female Headed
3. Youth
17 Facilitate establishment of clusters and mndandandas

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
4. Number of mndandanda
5. Male
6. Female
7. Youth
18 Train lead farmers on feeding practices

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
19 Train lead farmers on nutrition and HIV

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
20 Backstop/Conduct food demonstrations on new recipes, displays and open days

Sub activity Indicators

1. Number farmers
2. Male
3. Female
4. Youth
5. Number of displays
6. Number farmers
7. Male
8. Female
9. Youth
10. Number of open days
11. Number farmers
12. Female
13. Youth
21 Train farmers on dietary diversification

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
22 Train farmers on food selection, preparation, processing, storage and utilization

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
23 Train farmers on food safety and hygiene

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
24 Train lead farmers on importance of micronutrients in the body

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
25 Conduct local and international study tours on Decentralized Extension

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
26 Operationalize DAESS

Sub activity Indicators

1. Number of DACs
2. Number of DAECCs
3. Number of DSPs
4. Number of ASPs
5. Number of VACs
27 Train staff in various identified knowledge gaps in the good agriculture practices, Extension Approaches and Methods based on TNA results

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
28 Train staff in Group dynamics,

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
29 Train staff in Market oriented farm planning and management

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
30 Train staff in message development

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
31 Train staff on gender responsive PRAs

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
32 Train staff in IGP organization and management

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
33 Train staff in FFS

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
34 Train staff in FBS

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
35 Train staff on savings and investment

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
36 Train staff in nutrition surveillance (consumption patterns, 24 dietary recalls, food diary)

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
37 Train staff on dietary diversification, food selection, preparation, processing and utilization

Sub activity Indicators

1. Male
2. Female
3. Youth
38 Form farmer IGP groups for vulnerable farmers

Sub activity Indicators

1. Total membership
2. Male
3. Female
4. Youth
39 Produce IEC materials ( posters, leaflets, DVDs and TV documentaries)

Sub activity Indicators

1. Number leaflets
2. Number DVDs
3. Number TV Documentary
40 Develop and disseminate technical messages for ICT based platforms

Sub activity Indicators

1. Number of Livestock messages
2. Number of extension methodologies messages
3. Number of Nutrition messages
4. Number of Agribusiness messages
5. Number of Land Resources messages
6. Number of Gender and HIV messages
41 Identify farmers and form groups to be engaged in small stock programme

Sub activity Indicators

1. No of Goat Groups
2. No chicken Farmers
3. No Chicken Groups
42 Facilitate improved small-stock khola construction

Sub activity Indicators

1. No of Chicken Kholas
43 Procure and distribute small-stock for pass on programme.

Sub activity Indicators

1. No of Bucks
2. No of pullets
3. No of Cocks
44 Produce and distribute small stock IEC materials and manuals

Sub activity Indicators

1. No of hand books
2. No of Posters
45 Conduct training of farmers in small-stock production,

Sub activity Indicators

1. No of Chicken farmers
46 Facilitate training of small-stock lead farmers

Sub activity Indicators

1. Chicken lead farmers
2. No of sessions